COVID-19 At-Home Halloween

COVID-19 At-Home Halloween
Halloween 2020

Just because we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Halloween does not need to be cancelled. In fact, we will make it more special and memorable than any traditional Halloween. I hope it will stand out in my children’s memories when they get older.

Here is how we are going to celebrate Halloween 2020.

Dress Up and Indoor Decorations. No explanation needed. We won’t be handing out candy nor collecting any from our neighbours this year.

Trick or Treating Inside. We have about 12 doors in our house behind which we can hide and have our children knock on. Think bedrooms, washrooms, laundry/storage room and walk-in closets. As our girls knock on each door, they will ask for Trick or Treat and we will do either one (mostly give out treats but some tricks will be performed as well!). As one adult handles the kids, the other runs and hides behind the un-knocked door. The kids then come to that door and knock while the other adult runs and hides behind the next door. And so fourth. We might even do several iterations of this routine until we are all Halloweened-out.

Dress-Up Zoom Dance Party with Friends. My friend has hired a dance teacher to lead a Halloween dance party on Zoom. My girls are super excited to share this special time with their friends online.

Home-made Halloween Treats Project. I will involve my children in a fun food art project to make something delicious and spooky. One example is this:

Halloween treats

Halloween History and Trivia Game. Will educate my kiddo’s on the history of Halloween and ask trivia questions to make sure they paid attention.

Healthier Treats. Bummer? Not at all. During traditional Halloween children always bring home … uhm, baskets of crap. And it’s all fine and is cost-effective. Halloween is not about healthy treats, it’s about the joy and experience of collecting treats. But, in our house, most of it goes in the garbage when it’s all done. This year, however, because I’m only buying the treats for my children, I can invest a little more $ and buy something healthier. Dark chocolate, Lara bars, granola bars, chocolate eggs and truffles, etc. and of course of a handful of “junk” treats just for the sake of the tradition. But most of it will stay in the house and be consumed over time. I know my girls will be delighted because they will actually be able to devour their treats this year and I won’t feel bad about it.

I wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween 2020! Make it special and memorable 😉

P.S. for more cool kids, parenthood or education related articles, or for healthy, yummi recipes, follow me on Instagram or Facebook 😉

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