Things To Do With Kids At Home

Dear parents, fear not the March Break and the Corona-virus Quarantine and self-isolation. There are still plenty of fun things for you to do with your children at home. This is also an excellent opportunity for you to bond more with your children and to strengthen that magical parent-child connection. Here are a few ideas of what you could do at home with little children.
Arts & Crafts. Of course, this is the most obvious one. There are tons of interesting kits on Amazon and elsewhere and DIY ideas on the internet. Explore, create and have fun!
Science. Try a few easy science experiments at home. Google ideas or purchase a book or a stack of (flash like) cards with kid-friendly science experiments.
Baking. Make that muffin or cake your child has been asking for, for so long. Involve your child and you might thank her for that after. My daughter found this brownie recipe in one of my cookbooks and begged me to make it. We made it together and she was so proud. But guess who ate the most of it? ME! Yum yum.
Reading: This is a great time to dive into favourite books and either read to your children or have them read to you.
Math: If your child is old enough – do some math with him/her. My older child is in SK and we I got her Grade 1 book, just for fun. We are a third way in and we are having fun with it.
Catch up on your child’s favourite hobby and go beyond. Your child likes to play piano but all the lessons are cancelled and you can’t play a note? Download easy music sheets to songs that she knows and let her play it. Read a biography about famous child musician prodigy to inspire her. Let her make her own music. Just because the lessons are on hold, doesn’t mean the child can’t keep learning.
More Fun
Play Canada Got Talent game. Have your child perform anything she wishes. You are the judge. And don’t forget that Golden Buzzer!
Play Kids Charades. No explanation needed. Just buy the game online or download flashcards from the internet, print them off and voila!
Play Hide and Seek or Tag. Again, no explanation required. Little kids LOVE these games!
Throw Your Own Dance Party. Put on your favourite tunes and start grooving. Got no dance moves? Go on youtube and find kids dancing and follow along!
Build Your Own Obstacle Course. Use cushions, stepping stones (if you have them), step-stools, pillows, chairs, cardboards and anything else your house offers and build your own obstacle course. Challenge your children to go through it without falling and don’t forget to time them!
Get Outside. If you’re not sick, go outside. Play in your backyard with a ball, or skipping ladder (if you have one). Got no backyard? You can still go to parks or walk on quiet streets.
Play Tag. Run around if your space permits.
Workout Together. YouTube Kids workout videos or share your own adult ones.
Teach your children meditation and do it together. Breath in and out. Listen to your breaths. Get quiet.
Quiet Time: Set aside at least 1 hour a day for quiet time. Explain that your children have to play by themselves and quietly if they can, while you, the parent, go and lay down and close your eyes.
TV: Nothing wrong with putting a 30 min show for your kids and going to another room to close your eyes.
Slow Down: really, stop rushing all the time and take the time to savor the moments with your precious children. If you have full time jobs, this is your rare chance to bond more with your children, even if you have to work from home!
Stay Healthy
-Make healthy meals, get lots of rest and sleep. I will write another blog post on that soon.
And remember, Isaac Newton also had to work from home during the plague. At that time, he made some very interesting discoveries: