Safety Fingers

Ah, those cute and curious, little fingers – they always find their way into the tiniest holes and places where they shouldn’t go. One of these places is between a door and the wall. Slam! Ouch! Tears!
One day, about two years ago, we had our front door and back door (to our patio) open at the same time on a nice summer day. We were unloading groceries at the front of the house while my little girls were playing on the patio running happily in and out of the house from the back door. You know where this is going, right? My little one ran to the front door and seized the opportunity to put her fingers on the side of the door. A strong draft picked up and slammed the door … together with the little fingers.
I don’t know who cried more that day, me (on the inside) or my little one (from pain). But, fortunately, the little fingers were spared.
That night, my clever husband did some googling and discovered this product: Happy Hands Anti Slam Child Door Safety Finger Trap Stoppers. We ordered it right way. Whoever came up with it is genius. I am not affiliated with this product by any means but it is so great and helped us prevent future accidents so many times that I can’t not share it. It’s available on amazon and probably other places too:
It also puts our mind at ease each time we want to have our door open. Not only it prevents painful accidents, but it also keeps small children away from locking the doors on the inside, while you are outside … without keys.
Keep those little fingers safe!