French Theater

For today’s French lesson, I wanted my 6 year old daughter to read me a few pages in French. But, of course, what child at this age, really wants to read, especially in foreign language? So, we decided to spice it up and convert our reading material into a French Theatre Play!
My daughter’s eyes lit up and she yelled “J’ai une idee!” And she started to make suggestions on how we were going to act things out.
We read the lines together and we acted them out. Then we took turns on who says what part. Then we started to add our own dialogue (in French) to each phrase, making each mini play bigger and better…
We learned new vocab, we read (or rather, my daughter re-read everything (goal accomplished!)); we reviewed what we learned through play; we got creative, and, most importantly, we laughed and had so much fun!
I hope you enjoyed this little blurb. À la prochaine fois mes amis!
The picture above is taken from Je Lis! series, found on This is not a theatre play book bur rather a book to develop reading in French for young children.
Today’s lesson made me look for theater plays in French and I found the following resource: where I also purchased the following bundle of actual theater plays:
Le Théâtre des lecteurs – Readers’ Theatre for French Immersion and Core French
For more Tips and resources on how to teach your child a foreign language, check out my blog post: