Raising A Chess Champion

Raising A Chess Champion

Growing up as a competitive chess player, I was certain that once I had my own children I would surely turn them into chess champions. They would be the improved, better, stronger versions of me! I was inspired by the stories of the Polgar sisters 

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancake Minis

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancake Minis

The Best Vegan, Gluten-Free, Kid-Friendly healthiest buckwheat pancakes

Prebiotic Balls

Prebiotic Balls

Feed your good gut bacteria with the foods they like – prebiotics. These Vegan and Gluten-Free balls are loaded with prebiotics.

Consciouszzz Parenting By Night

Consciouszzz Parenting By Night

Tonight, I’m bracing myself for yet another sleepless night phase. In this phase, I decided to put my Conscious Parent Hat on and not to threaten my children with things like cancelling Christmas or playdates, and I decided not to let them “cry it out” 

Mock-Chocolate Brownie Balls

Mock-Chocolate Brownie Balls

-School Safe, Kid Friendly Is chocolate your Frienemy? If you know me, then you probably also know that it is my! It’s so delicious and is loaded with good antioxidants, polyphenols and feel-good magic; these are my friends. But it’s also addictive, got caffeine and 

My Kids Highjacked My Spotify

My Kids Highjacked My Spotify

–On being too immersed in motherhood You know when you have a full time office job and you take a week off to go on vacation … then you come back and have 300 emails to plow through and all the work to catch up 

A Long Painful Walk Home, Or …

A Long Painful Walk Home, Or …

Our walk home from school today was quite something. The moment my 5 year old daughter, Chloe, got out of school, she started being demanding about a playdate. No hug, no simple “Hello mommy”. A playdate with a girl I’ve never heard her speak of. 

Rushing Against the Clock

Rushing Against the Clock

If there is one thing in my relationship with my five year old daughter Chloe that has been bugging me almost on a daily basis, that would be her procrastination. As probably any small child, she’s taking so (and I mean soooo!) much unbearably long 

If You Had a Rough Day …

If You Had a Rough Day …

Not in million years, would I have ever thought that putting eye contact lenses under pressure could cause a series of unfortunate events. It’s 8:15am. Both of my kids (3 and 5) are fed, dressed and ready for school. I am in the bathroom trying 

The Mama-Zombie Phase

The Mama-Zombie Phase

Tonight, I’m bracing myself for yet another sleepless night. I don’t know why, but in the last two weeks my girls have decided to take turns as to who could keep mommy awake the longest. We go through such phases now and then. Sometimes it’s